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Author: admin

Kids Mindfulness Meditation & Yoga Classes

Kids have so much more pressure in their lives than we did growing up and it’s increasingly important that they learn how to deal with these pressures at an early age. This amazing new class is there to show them how to look after their own mental health and have fun with it too! Amanda from Happy Minds Grateful Hearts is holding a series of three classes in The OpenDoor Complex starting on Saturday 15th January. For more information and how to book please visit our Aware Kids page.

Indoor Plant Care Gardening Class With Valerie.

If you struggle to keep your indoor plants alive then this class is for you. Dr Valerie Stewart will take your through everything you need to keep your plants alive and well and before long your kitchen will be like Kew Gardens! The class is on Saturday 22nd January in the OpenDoor Complex and booking is essential. The class costs £20 and for booking details please visit our Gardening Class Page.

Room Hire @ The OpenDoor Complex

The OpenDoor complex are lucky to have a large range of spaces available for many different activities. We regularly host business meetings, support groups, training classes, sports teams and people just wanting to meet up for some 5 A Side football. If you are interested in availability or booking, please just contact us. Please find our rates below;

Speech And Drama Classes every Sunday

The OpenDoor Complex is happy to have Roma starting two weekly Speech and Drama Classes every Sunday, starting on Sunday 16th January 2022. This is a great opportunity for children aged 3 to 16 years old to learn how to speak in public and also to feel confident when speaking in front of people. For more information please visit out Speech and Drama Classes page.

Irish Dancing Classes Starting Soon!

Irish Dancing classes return to the Open Door Complex Friday 14th January at 5.30pm.

Classes cater for fun, fitness and/or feising. Dancers also have the opportunity to sit Grade examinations. I am Access NI checked and fully insured. Classes are suitable for boys & girls aged 3+ and follow strict social distancing and sanitising.Please message Rebecca on McErlean School of Irish dancing fb page or 07746566866 to enrol. Booking is essential.

For more information, please visit our Irish Dancing Classes page

Congratulations Hughie Donnelly

President of The OpenDoor Complex, Peter Diamond presenting an iPad to Hughie Donnelly winner of our December competition in conjunction with Prizefunder. Thanks for everyones support, and enjoy your new iPad Hughie.

Wreath Making

Some masterpieces created during our Wreath Making class in the OpenDoor Complex.

Spaces available in Yoga Classes

The OpenDoor Complex are happy to offer Yoga Classes for beginners starting on Thursday 3rd February 2022. We are running two 60 minute classes. The first is at 7pm until 8pm, which is currently fully booked, and the second class is at 8:30pm until 9:30pm. We still have some spaces available for the 8:30 classes.

If you are interested in getting fitter in 2022, why not try out this fantastic exercise class which will not only improve your flexibility and core strength but also your mental health.

For bookings contact Noel on 07841 510222 or

For further information on this class and future classes please visit our Yoga Classes page.

OpenDoor Complex now offering Pilates

Pilates comes to #Theopendoorcomplex with Catherine Dawson who is a physiotherapist and APPI trained pilates instructor.Works in Musgrave Park Hospital in Belfast predominantly with patients following elective orthopaedic surgery and following fractures.

Catherine been teaching pilates for about 4 years now and loves it as a form of exercise for all stages of life! Catherine looks forward to meeting you at one of the mixed level classes where we will enjoy a range of exercises to help stretch and strengthen you at a level suitable for you!

Unfortunately these classes booked out almost instantly but with such high demand we will try and add more classes soon. In the meantime have a look at out our Pilates Classes Page to find out more information, and remember to check back to see when the next availability will be.