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Watch Your Oil

Police in Mid Ulster are asking all residents to
be vigilant in relation to their home heating oil.
Everyone in NI is affected by increasing fuel
costs, but none more so than the elderly and
Unfortunately, as fuel increases in price, it
becomes more attractive to criminals, who may seek to steal it.
Police are asking that households carry out a check to make sure their oil
tanks are secured and padlocked, along with any access gates.
If you have CCTV covering the back garden, try to ensure it covers the oil
If you have a family member who may need help checking their security,
please help them out.
If anyone calls to your house, unexpectedly, asking to inspect your boiler or
oil tank, be suspicious and contact police.
If someone is offering fuel, or fuel stamps, at a price that is too good to be
true, be suspicious and contact police.
If you need help or advice contact PSNI on 101 and ask for your local
neighbourhood Policing Team.